Hello everyone!
Today has been a very busy day!
First, we have done a Workshop on video production. We had some theory imput, we talked about different types of videos in an educational environment, basic knowledge about camera angles and shots and advantages and disadvantages about videos in educational contexts. We also used Socrative to answer a quizz about the information in the tutorial we had to read.
Finally, we had to produce a video in small groups answering the question:
We had some time to pre-produce, produce and edit and post-produce the videos after having lunch at the University's cafeteria.

After a short break to had something to eat, we took the bus and we went to a school visit to interview Sabrine Burkhardt, a German, English and Spanish teacher in Hebbelschule. The day before, we had prepared a set of questions to ask her but as we started talking we realized about other interesting projects that she was working on and we asked about them as well. We were eager to know more about them and we were motivated to dag deeper in what she was explaining to us.

Once we finished the school visit, we went back to University to have a Zoom videocall with the other students and teachers who are having the #studyweek in other countries and cities: Boras, Newcastle and Barcelona. Afterwards, we discussed about the interview we did, what had we learnt, about the projects she was taking part in and different issues related with the topics of the interview. Finally, we had a short time for feedback. We used an app called Plickers, which works with individual and personalised QR codes and it is anonymous so the teacher just has to scan the code of every student in the correct position in order to have each answer registered. The teachers manages the answers in a server PC and, although she can see the exact answers from her user site, the rest of the students couldn't see them on the screen.

Personally, it has been an incredible experience and a very exciting day as we had so many activities and I could learn a lot from each one!
I hope you enjoyed it!