Hello everyone!
In this post we are going to formulate possible research questions about the topic we have seen in this post.
Context of research
I want to investigate if all the official exams to test language level are valid and the results a candidate gets are reliable and equal whether he takes one exam or another.
I want to investigate this topic because I am currently teaching English FCE courses and I have noticed that IELTS and TOEFL candidates find these exams easier to pass and to get the mark they want. I have been informed by some candidates that FCE, CAE and CPE are more strict and tough to prepare and to pass, while candidates who take TOEFL and IELTS don’t feel so much pressure and they are more comfortable when doing the exam.
Possible research questions
- Is a B2 in FCE equal as a B2 in IELTS?
- Is one exam more difficult than the other?
- All these exams are able to truly get to know your real level of English?
In order to answer these research questions we have developed an observation sheet that would help us during the process of collecting data prior to our analysis.

I hope you enjoyed it!