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Teaching and Learning with Technology Task 1


Hello everyone!

Are you familiar with the digital native name? Do you know to who we refer when talking about digital natives? Actually, this concept was created by Mark Prensky and in this video you can learn a little bit more about it.

Of course, there's been other experts in the area who have not approved Prensky's idea of digital native and have found solid arguments to deny the validity of the concept. For example, Professor Susan Bennett:

Regarding this topic and its obvious non consensus, I have joined two other colleagues to discuss about it and see what are our real opinions.

Chat (Karen, Cristina, Jess)

Karen: Hiiii!

Cristina: Hiii!

Jess: Did you see the videos?

Karen: Just ending the second video now

Jess: Ok

Cristina: Yes! Did you find them interesting?

Karen: I love the second

Karen: Just the idea of that a current boy it is not a native digital always

Karen: What do you think?

Jess: Yes! They made me realize that I lived lot of interesting changes in technology along my life

Cristina: Yeah, me too. Actually, I think that Mark was a better speaker than the woman but the content of the second one was more interesting in my opinion.

Jess: I think we can use an expression like “digital natives” as a general idea but we know that is not true.

Cristina: I think that the idea of technology changing our way of learning it's true and there's evidence of that all around. However, I don't think that the idea of a digital native works out well

Karen: Yes, I think that the most of sure is that all of us think that the time flies, the time changes and of course education should do it too

Karen: isn't it?

Cristina: Exactly, times change, but we cannot include a person in this category just because he or she was born in this century

Jess: I agree.

Karen: Even though it is true that I am more expert that my mother with technologies.

Karen: However, I don't think that I am a digital native.

Cristina: This person might not have received a proper training in terms of technology so when he has to use some digital devices, he might struggle.

Karen: Neither my nephews for example.

Karen: Just according with the idea of the women.

Cristina: Yes, that's true, but maybe it's because we have been more in contact with these devices than them.

Cristina: The more practice, the better skills we have.

Karen: And it is true that we are learning all the time with that kind of devices, since we were young.

Jess: In my experience, all my knowledge in technology is because of my school and jobs experiences. For my parents this world is something unknown....

Karen: Absolutely!!!

Karen: I don't know what you thing, but for me that kind of videos remains me to some articles from Cassany.

Karen: Talking about technologies and how to use it in clase

Jess: Yes!

Karen: Also for evaluation!

Cristina: Yes! Actually my parents have some basic knowledge in this topic but I haven't learnt from them. I just learnt by practicing by myself, friends who told me new things, etc. at school we didn't work with computers or anything like that so I wouldn't say I learnt it from there.

Karen: They were meaningful.

Cristina: Having meaningful sources of knowledge is a very powerful way to improve your skills

Karen: Never? Neither in your degree as a translator?

Jess: I remember those articles.... I still don’t feel % comfortable with technology in my classroom but I know that is something necessary....

Karen: Yeah! I agree with you, me neither

Cristina: Yes, at university yes! But I was thinking of high school when I explained that

Jess: Ah ok.

Karen: I am not the best TIC ever! I like some skills from them, but I am not feeling very comfortable.

Cristina: Sometimes you feel more comfortable using traditional materials but as teachers we should try to include new digital devices and other technology stuff in our lessons

Jess: You are right

Karen: Neither in your ESO or bachiller? I remember doing some biology homework at home with the table computer, for example

Karen: For sure! that's right, but I don't know if it is necessary to do it all the time

Karen: You know?

Cristina: I had to do some works, essays, etc, but they didn't teach us anything related with computers or tried to use them in class.

Karen: For example, I am loving Kahoots! and I remember de electronic whiteboard from Education First, I really fall in love with it! But... why not to combine?

Jess: Just a good balance.

Cristina: Maybe not everything at the same time but in some lessons include activities that should be done with computers, tablets, etc.

Karen: The electronic.

Cristina: Exactly!

Karen: I remember I love this whiteboard just because it seems it combines both methods you know?

Cristina: Yeah, students and teachers have their paper books but teachers have the electronic resource as well to use in class and that's a great idea!

I hope you enjoyed it!


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