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Teaching and Learning with Technology Task 2


Hello everyone! In this post I'm going to write about which skills should have a good teacher and a good learner, according to my opinion and experience. Let's start!

1. A good teacher instills confidence (Whitaker, T.).

Of course, a good teacher must make students feel comfortable and secure about their skills and never bully them or let others laugh at students just because they make mistakes or they don't know a word or an answer to any question. Students have to feel that we teachers trust them and their parents believe in them as well.

2. A good teacher manages the classroom effectively.

One of the most important parts of a teacher jobs is classroom management. If the class is organised, timing, space and class synamics are under control everything will smoothly work out well. A good planning and organisation, routines and establishing class rules can help improving students' learning process.

3. A good teacher is prepared.

Being prepared to teach what you are teaching, to give accurate explanations, to prepare the materials and organise the lessons, being ready to have an advanced answer to their possible problems or questions and, of course, to deal with students.

4. A good teacher sets high expectations.

We cannot set limits to our students, actually we must set expectations or goals, so their can have their aims to reach and the motivation to get to this point and keep going and working in their learning process. We need to challenge them, to encourange them to not stay at the same point forever. They must carry on and improve their skills and knowledge. The materials and exercises we bring into the classroom must be appropriate to their level and never below. Giving them feedback and making sure they can follow everything we do in class is also an important aspect to keep in mind.

5. A good teacher practices self-reflection.

We must always be aware of what we do in class and be sure why are we doing this. We need to grow as teachers and always think of ways to improve our way of teaching and learn new resources. We should focus on what works in class and for students and what does not.

6. A good teacher uses teaching strategies.

Teacher should develop their won strategies to make things work in their classroom. These strategies can change depending on the conditions we work and the group of students we deal with, because some may work in a group and not with others. But in spite of the strategies we use, we need to focus in teaching for their learning, trying to bring experiential activities and cooperative learning, so they see their classmates as helpers and not as opponents.

To conclude, there is no magical rule to be a good teacher, but taking into account these points helps you to become better and self-aware of the things that you could improve to grow as a professional.

When thinking about being a good learner, we can focus in these main points that, in my opinion, are the ones that can make a difference.

1. Is time-conscious. He always gets to class on time, which is the minimum requirement for any learner. Neither does he put off doing what has been asked of him until later. Procrastination in all forms is by no means permissible.

2. Doesn’t flinch from any challenging task. He would rather deal with it by seeking out assistance from as many resources as he can possibly obtain.

3. Is willing to practice. Learning requires a lot of practice of various kinds. No one can be 100% perfect, but he strives to be better through perfect practice.

4. Is goal-oriented. He has the ability to make plans and sets goals that are attainable to his own expectation and determines to follow them under no circumstances.

5. Is creative in his thinking. He doesn’t copy or imitate what people do or produce. He invents and develops original ideas of his own.

6. Is patient. It takes time to become competent in any field of study. If he really wants to learn, he should make time for some extra work outside of class.

I hope you found this post interesting and I'm looking forward to knowing your opinion in this topic. What do you think that makes a good teacher? And a good learner?


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