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Teaching and Learning with Technology Task 3


Hello everyone!

Today we are going to have a look to some of the learning theories that have direct relevance for this project #ProPIC.

We have had a group discussion with two colleagues about behaviourist approach, constructivism and Bloom's taxonomy in either the learning process and the teaching role.

In the following section, you can find our discussion, that takes into account different perspectives and points of view, and it focuses on practical examples when thinking of each theory.

Discussion (Karen, Jessica and Cristina)

Jess: Hi!

Cristina: Hi!

Karen: Hi girls!

Jess: I should admit that I still can’t answer this question: “Which areas of knowledge do you think would work best being taught or learn through a behaviorist approach?”

Karen: Me neither.

Karen: Jajajajajajajaja

Jess: I am trying to find an example, maybe it is easier than I think... but until now I have no answer.

Cristina: Yes, me too I don't know how to approach to this in practical terms.

Karen: The thing is that I like Constructivism, the area who cares about that.

Karen: But, it seems to be really scientific , isn't it?

Karen: I am thinking on the student motivation.

Karen: You should give a positive feedback to get a better result.

Jess: I agree with you, motivation is essential in a classroom.

Cristina: Yes, I think that a positive impact leads to motivation and encourages students to make an effort to get the results they want.

Karen: I am thinking for example on my practices. The students were used to a different positive stimulus.

Karen: For example, while they were talking about whatever with them classmate, the teacher was constantly moving her head like saying yes.

Karen: In this way they were always motivated to continue interacting with each other.

Jess: You are right. Is also important to find the right moment and the right way to correct mistakes.

Karen: When they were wrong, the teacher took notes and then she put on the whiteboard without saying any name.

Karen: So they never were afraid of being wrong.

Jess: Is an excellent technique.

Cristina: I feel that when I do substitution you realize how much influence does the teacher role have on the students because in some classes you find that they have no stimulus to motivate them and they just do exercises from the book and grammar explanations and they feel they are not learning a language. I always try to teach language in a way that they realize that they are able to use it in real life and teaching expressions that they are going to use for sure.

Karen: For sure!!!!

Cristina: And then you see that their motivation changes from frustration into encouragement because they feel they can do something with language.

Karen: to create a "real" interaction is a good thing to get your purpose.

Cristina: Of course! I couldn't agree more with you.

Karen: It is essential for me, too.

Jess: The way I try to teach Spanish is completely different from the way I learned English.

Karen: then, it is important to create a good method to correct them but making them feeling well.

Cristina: Yes for sure!

Jess: I didn’t have that experience as student with English in general.

Jess: And sometimes I felt really bad because of my mistakes.

Karen: I feel the same. Last year I was teaching english, and I feel that my students were really used to learn with a traditional method. So, when I tried to do it different, it was hard for them, just because they were ashamed to speak in english, just because they didn't know how to do it

Cristina: Exactly they panic just when you tell them that they have to talk in English and they know for sure how to say that!

Cristina: But they are not used to.

Karen: Absolutely agree!

Jess: The truth is that not all methods are for all students.

Jess: So, we have to find an equilibrium.

Jess: Is a challenge!

Cristina: True! some might prefer just working on grammar exercises whether others prefer speaking practice or other methods.

Cristina: It is!

Karen: Yes, it is a challenge for sure. The equilibrium I think is combining the different methods that work for them.

Karen: What do you think about the second question: Which areas would not work as well through a behaviorist approach?

Karen: As I've said, I think that this method is focus on repetition, so, I strongly believe that the method doesn't cares on comprehension or reflexive area.

Jess: I understand your idea. But do you really think that this method doesn’t work in any area?

Jess: I really don’t know.

Jess: I am trying to find an example.

Jess: Probably the way babies learn? What do you think?

Karen: Not at all. What I think it is that you need repetition in some aspects but not on everything.

Cristina: I don't think that repetition would work in most cases because you are just repeating the same structure without developing strategies to be able to use the language itself with its variations, its naturality etc. you are able to recall sentences without linking one to another.

Cristina: Maybe in terms of practicing pronunciation would be better as by repeating the word you finally are able to say it correctly.

Karen: Good point of view Cristina.

Jess: That is an excellent example!

Cristina: I'm glad you liked my idea hahah

Karen: For example, Spanish babies are used to think that the participle ends in -ado.

Karen: For this reason they produce words like: rompido (it is _roto_).

Karen: And they just produce that just because of the repetition of some common participles, so they generalize the rules.

Karen: Maybe it is not the best example, but what I mean is just that if you repeat some rules, you don't care about other aspects that need more reflection.

Karen: This way, thinking on constructivism and on the line of this babies question.

Jess: This happen with some students. They automatically apply the rule for regular verbs to irregular and when teacher explain how irregulars are they ask if there is some rule for that.

Karen: Little by little they cares that always it doesn't work the rule "-ado" for participles.

Karen: Is that the idea of the constructivism? Isn't it?

Cristina: This is true and we have to teach them how to unlearn the rule in order to apply irregular forms.

Jess: I think it is.

I hope you enjoyed it!


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